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Children's electric scooter should be how to buy

Author:dream Time:2023-03-16 12:26:10Click:
Children's electric balance car, popular point is to exercise people's balance ability of a kind of body sense car. Growing up, we can find some people around us who walk smoothly because of lack of balance.
Now the market balance car is multifarious, a lot of groups of adult children like to use, especially children for novel things are very fond, but based on the age of children and the actual situation to choose how to balance the car needs to spend some thought.
So what do you need to consider when buying a balanced car for your child? Let's take a look:
1. Tire
1. Tire sizes are now available in different sizes of 6.5 ", 8 "and 10". The advice for children is to choose a slightly smaller size, larger wheels are relatively faster, smaller wheels are slower but lower in height and are better for children.
2, as far as possible to choose solid tires without inflation, for children, although a toy to like but the relative labor saving is still necessary, but also to prevent the occurrence of a flat tire, also removed from the steps to give the tire inflation.
Two, weight
The lighter the better. If it is too heavy, the child will be more difficult when taking the car, after all, the child's strength is limited. And if it's hard to move a car, it's hard to ride and play.
Three, riding space
When buying a car, we should also consider the size of the child. The balance car we choose should not be too wide, because too wide will make the span of the child become larger and it is not very convenient to ride. Too narrow although forward and backward will not be affected, but the steering operation will not be too flexible. By riding a balance bike, you can slide your legs better and exercise your whole body muscles to some extent.
So after a certain understanding, I believe that parents will have a certain standard when they buy a balanced car for their children.
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